Make a one-off donation

The Lions Foundation and The Lions Foundation Rescue and Conservation Centre have big plans for the animals at the shelter. All rescued animals at the centre deserve a bright future and we try to relocate them to the most natural habitat possible, and we want to build new enclosures. This involves high costs, which is why we are asking for support.
To support us you can transfer a contribution to account number:
The Lions Foundation
First National Bank
Clearwater Mall
Acc: 62825119606
Or check out one of the other options to support us below.
Many of the animals taken in come from a circus or were kept privately. They have never been able to live in freedom as wild animals. Stichting Leeuw wants to bring the felids to an environment that approaches their natural habitat as closely as possible.
Animals in good physical and mental condition move from Stichting Leeuw to The Lions Foundation. Here, they are given access to large 1.5-hectare enclosures in as natural an environment as possible. Animals that would not benefit from this for whatever reason will stay with Stichting Leeuw in the Netherlands. At The Lions Foundation, the animals are still fed and monitored 24/7.
Setting them completely free in the wild is unfortunately not possible, because these animals do not know their natural enemies, have not learned to take care of themselves and are too used to humans, which can be dangerous for humans and the cats. Also, some animals are declawed or have their teeth filed off, which makes them unable to hunt and defend themselves.