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Rescue and Conservation Centre

Break the circle by breaking the chain!

At the beginning of May 2023, The Lions Foundation took over the adjacent predator park in South Africa. All these predators were bred at this facility for years, and were sold as pets or to petting farms, ending up as hunting trophies.

This is of course diametrically opposed to the objectives of The Lions Foundation. We are therefore happy that we have been able to save these animals from this nasty future. In addition to lions, many other animal species are located here, such as hyenas and the African wild dog.

The facility is now named ‘The Lions Foundation Rescue and Conservation Centre’. All the animals were sterilised immediately after takeover. The intention is to welcome more animals in need, and also to be active in conservation of endangered species.

These animals also need better enclosures and such a project is costly. We therefore ask for additional donations so that we can build bigger enclosures as quickly as possible. We hope that with your help we can give these animals a better life.

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